Paleo v. World (Part 1)

26 Jul

Paleo v. World got pretty ugly while I was away.

Following the progressive drama feels a lot like the Holyfield-Tyson fight from the 1997. You know, the one where Tyson bit off his ear.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers this, but for those of you younger readers, here’s a little background:

Evander was a serious underdog, but totally clocked Tyson in the first match.

The rematch left more uncertainty for bookies and gamblers alike. Holyfield again dominated. So Mike fought dirty, biting off a part of his left ear, then biting the right, and continuing his rampage before/after being disqualified and escorted out.

Paleo is its own brand of underdog. It doesn’t get a lot of respect. There’s not much positive media attention, government backing, or big corporate sponsorships.

One thing it does have, however, is The Big Mo. Momentum.

It continues to win, despite suggestions from the mainstream that its success rate is one in a million, if that. And story after story shows one contributing factor to its grassroots success: IT WORKS.

So the Tysons of the government, media, and medical communities are fighting dirty, trying to discredit Paleo followers as fanatical, cult-like, brainwashed, uneducated buffoons who will drop dead at any minute because of the extra dietary fat present in their food choices (like avocado, coconut, and animal meat).


The nay-sayers are welcome to bite off both my ears if that means I can stay Paleo and not flirt with the other presented options. Even if research suggested that Paleo would kill me in 24 hours (it won’t) and living solely on wheat would keep me living a life of unbridled energy and health (it won’t), I couldn’t possibly believe it.

I’ve witnessed firsthand otherwise. In myself, my husband, my son, my daughter, my mother, my father, my mother-in-law, my friends. Not to mention the other amazing testimonials the blogging community offers up on a daily basis.

Later this week, I’m excited to offer my two cents on the Best Diets report, along with some thoughts on Dr. Cordain’s and Robb Wolf’s rebuttals and the not-unfavorable Paleo spot in yahoo! news. This fight is getting good and I love that I’ve got a front-row seat.

3 Responses to “Paleo v. World (Part 1)”

  1. nutmegrins July 27, 2011 at 9:49 PM #

    I actually read about the Paleo diet getting knocked in that Yahoo article. I was totally pissed. But yet I am not sure about Paleo. Can I please just decide?!! I like the comparison to Tyson and Holyfield.

    • vibrantsexystrong July 29, 2011 at 7:21 PM #

      Haha, I love that you were mad but still aren’t sure yourself. Were you mad because it was (at least to me) an unfair representation on most counts? Good luck with your Paleo decision.


  1. Paleo v. World (Part 3) « Vibrant. Sexy. Strong - August 1, 2011

    […] ends my Paleo v. World series (catch Part 1 and Part 2 if you didn’t get a […]

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