Tag Archives: CrossFit Pregnant

Cindy broke my bag o’ waters

14 Feb

No person was harmed in the filming of this deadlift.

During my first pregnancy, I didn’t exercise at all and I paid mightily for it during recovery. I didn’t make the same mistake with my second pregnancy, faithfully doing something nearly every day of my 41.5 weeks.

Ten days overdue was no exception.

After 3.5 rounds and during my 8th squat of a modified Cindy*, I felt a familiar pop; a pop I had only felt once before. Stopping dead at the bottom of a perfect 90 degree angle, I felt a warmth spread across the lower part of my body.

I couldn’t determine if my water broke or if I was overzealous about hydration that morning. I went inside to see if I was in labor, leaving my workout partner in the garage wondering if her cash-out would include rushing me to the hospital.

Hard contractions didn’t start immediately like they did with my son, so my firm excuse for quitting early was null and void. I cleaned myself up, went right back outside and pounded out 2.5 more rounds (for an even 6) before my time ran out.

I’m not a hardore CrossFitter. I’m not even a good CrossFitter. But I feel like I could have made main page with that workout. Forget chest-to-bar pull-ups. Doing a WOD at 10:30 am and delivering a baby (without an epidural) at 2 pm. Now *that* should be the next CrossFit benchmark. Perhaps we can name it Mimi.

(Happy Valentine’s Day!)

* Cindy is one of the CrossFit WODs listed with the Girls. AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 pull-ups (mods: ring rows), 10 push-ups (mods: on an incline), 15 squats.